Easter at St John's
We'd love you to join us for one of our Easter service at St John's. As we approach Easter, we get to gaze afresh at the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, we get reflect on the agony of the cross, the pain that the early disciples must have felt and also the incredible joy of the resurrection.
More Information on our Easter Services
All services will be held in St John's church with the exception of the Dawn Service which will be held on the school field (opposite the church).
Good Friday - 29th March 2024
10am - Family Reflections at the Cross
A space for those of all ages to come and engage with the events of Good Friday. The reflections will last for around an hour and there will be stations/activities around the church for you to engage with interactively. Those families with children will be able to go around the stations together.
1pm - Reflections at the Cross
This will be a quiet and reflective space where you can engage with the events of Good Friday. The reflections will be led and will last for around an hour. This is not suitable for children, instead families with children should go to the reflections at 10am.
8pm - An evening of Worship at the Cross - Cancelled
Unfortunately due to illness we have had to cancel the worship night.
Easter Sunday - 31st March 2024
6.15am - Dawn Service - St John's School Field
An early morning service held on the school field (accessed using the gates opposite the church. Join us as we celebrate the joy of the risen Jesus right at the start of the day, gathered round a fire pit. The service will last around an hour an include communion. After the service there will be coffee served in church along with bacon sandwiches (inc. veggie option).
9am - Easter Day Holy Communion
Join us for a liturgical service of Holy Communion with the organ as we celebrate the joy of the risen Jesus.
11am - All-Age Easter Day Communion
Join us for a contemporary service, including Holy Communion with the worship band, as we celebrate the joy of the risen Jesus.