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The Alpha course is a chance to explore your spirituality and the Christian faith in a no-pressure environment. There are series of sessions exploring faith and life, run over several weeks.


Each week starts with a meal, then we watch a short video together. After the video there is a chance to talk about it and ask questions in a small group of up to 10 people.


Your group will remain the same throughout the course so that you can get to know each other and develop friendships.


All the details, including a link to sign-up is below. Signing up does not commit you in anyway to come to the whole course, it just helps us to know who is coming and how much food to provide.

Who is it for?

Alpha is for everyone. Our course is designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open

and informal environment.


Is there food?

Yes! As mentioned, each week starts with food, you can let us know dietary requirements when you sign-up.

What are the details?

Day: Thursdays

Time: 7.30pm

Location: St John the Baptist Church

Starting: Thursday 27th April 2023

Cost: Free!

Express your interest in our Alpha Online course!

If you have questions, please email:

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